Derelict Farm House - Queensland
Old, neglected and derelict farm houses tend not to remain standing for very long nowadays. I hope to capture as many as I am able with my camera before they are "no more". This sad old house is without any windows and not many doors. I wonder how long it will be before it is demolished?
This is the same house, very same photograph actually, in sepia. I tend to favour viewing these old houses in sepia tone. It seems to me, to reflect the era that it was built. What do you think? I'd be thrilled to receive your comments.
Hello Noel. I also love old buildings done in sepia (antique). I have taken a lot of pictures of old delapidated barns in the area and did them is sepia. Some in black and white, but I prefer sepia.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for waiting patiently for my return.
Awsome work.. the second monotone version looks awsome!
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